Thursday, January 13, 2011


I am starting to feel overwhelmed and I haven't even been to my first class of the semester.  I've been struggling to find my 3 preceptors for the semester.  I have to have one from Pediatrics, one from OB/GYN, and one from family.  The only easy one to find was Pediatrics.  After many, many days of phone calls and leaving messages and plain out pestering folks, I found a Family care preceptor. Now all that's left is to find OB/GYN.  I have made countless phone calls and most people just aren't taking students.  It really sucks.  I may have a lead though.  I will just feel so much better when I get it all situated. 

I'm also a little overwhelmed because one of my classes is Pharmacology and when I was in undergrad, it was my worst class.  It really stressed me out & I feel like I just barely passed.  I remember calling my mom like everyday stressing out & crying over that class (among others). 

When I start getting stressed like this, I wonder if I've actually gone insane by being back in school...but as always I come back to the fact that I've wanted to be a doctor/nurse practitioner for as long as I can remember and I'm just not satisfied being a nurse.  I think it's even more insane that I am already contemplating getting my DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) a few years down the road.  As much as I hate school, I love the thought of knowing all I can know in my profession, and going as far as I can...Being on top of my game.  Or maybe I'm just a glutten for punishment...who knows.