Monday, May 23, 2011

Randomness is what I do best... the world didn't end on Saturday as predicted.  Not that I actually thought it would.  I think it's crazy that a "Christian" so blatently disputed the Bible.  He was so adament that we COULD know the day & time, when the Bible clearly states that NO ONE can know the day or the hour, not even the Son or the angels in heaven. 

Most people are starting their summers this week.  Kids are getting out of school and everyone's preparing for their summer vacations, etc.  But not for me.  I've been out of school since the first week in May, and I'm preparing to get back to school!  I start my last semester of NP school on June 1.  And I'm sure I will be completely swamped with school until I finish on August 5.  I'm excited, nervous, and even a little bit stressed at the idea of this last semester.  I'm also getting a little stressed about finding a job.  I just really hope I can find one before August! 

I'm ready for a little excitement in my life, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.  Mainly because of the topic mentioned above.  School makes life incredibly boring!  Well, that and not having any money, which is caused by the whole school thing... I'm ready for a guy in my life. So lame, I know...still kind of disappointed that things seem as if they aren't going anywhere with the guy my preceptor tried to set me up with.  Still haven't heard anything from him.  I broke down and sent him a message on Facebook the other day, on the advice of a friend.  All it said was, "Hey. How are you?" because I had no idea what to say...Lame, I know!  But he never replied so I can only assume he isn't interested.  I've debated deleting him from my facebook because I don't really have a reason to have him on there if I'm never going to talk to him.  I'm not much for having random people on my friend's list.  I know no one probably reads this, so I just use it as more of an outlet to express my feelings because I find it hard to do otherwise.  I feel incredibly desperate for wanting him to call/text/message so bad because I don't even know him...all I know is the stuff he posts on facebook.  I feel like since I've added him & sent that one message that if I do anything else it'll come across as desperate.  Adding him & sending the message, should indicate that I'm interested, right.  So, I shouldn't do anything else.  Just kinda wondering when something will work out for me...

Friday, May 6, 2011

My crazy life

Well as of yesterday, I finished my 2nd semester of NP school.  Which means I am now 2/3 of the way finished.  Actually closer than that...our last semester is only 8 weeks & begins on June 1.  I will finish on August 5th!  I am getting soo excited, but extremely nervous at the same time about finding a job & keeping my sanity through the summer.  School has been keeping me really busy & REALLY stressed!!  Hopefully this summer won't be quite so bad. 

But on to more important things...
Like 2 weeks ago, my preceptor from last semester called me and asked me if I remembered this patient that I saw at her clinic one time.   It was a guy around my age who they just thought would be perfect for I remembered him.  Well, he was at the clinic & they were talking and he was asking if I was still there & stuff and they told him that they thought we'd make a good couple & he said he thought I was cute. Basically, my preceptor called to ask if she could give him my number & to give me his number & to tell me that he said he had a facebook and I could contact him there if I wanted to.  Well I told her she could give him my number.  So she did.  Well...he never called.  She even texted me like a week later & asked about it.  So, after talking to my best friend I decided to add him on facebook, so I did & he accepted  my request, but he still hasn't called.  I am determined that I am NOT going to call him first...but I really want him to call me.  It's not like I have a huge crush on him or anything, but it'd just be nice to see what happened, ya know? 

Well that's basically the interesting stuff going on in my life at the moment...any input?