Friday, November 18, 2011

Crafty Creations

Sometimes, I can be pretty takes a lot of thought & I'm not very confident about it, but I rather enjoy it.   So I figured I'd take time today & share a few of the things that I've made over time.

I made this door hanger announcement for the birth of my newest niece (best friend's daughter).  Her theme is the Fisher Price Precious Planets.  

This was also painted for my sweet niece.

This is actually painted on a block of wood. 

I am making my sister a scrapbook for Christmas & this is one of the pages that I've completed.

My best friend's birthday was Tuesday & I made her this picture frame.  

I'm working on a few more things for Christmas gifts, I'll try to post pics of those too...And I'm making another birth announcement door hanger for a friend who is due in March.  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wait for the Lord

Wait for the Lord; be strong & take heart & wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

Throughout this whole job searching process, this verse has become my theme.  It reminds me that things happen in God's timing not mine.  I'm anxious & scared that I won't find a job.  I don't know what will happen if I don't.  But I do know that anxiety & fear aren't from God. God calls us to have faith in Him.  I saw a quote on Pinterest (totally addicted) that said "Faith in God includes faith in God's timing." So to have faith in Him, I must have faith that His timing is perfect.  Just because nothing is happening for me now, doesn't mean it won't happen, it just means that God has something better in store for me.  

The amazing thing is that I'm not in this by myself.  He says that he will never leave or forsake us.  Which means that He is ALWAYS there, even when I can't feel him.  And to be honest, at the moment, I'm in one of those places.  I'm not feeling his presence, I don't know if I'm doing what He wants, I don't feel a strong conviction about going this way or that, or calling this place about a job opportunity.   I am really anxious to hear something from Him because I'm stressing about a job.  But I don't believe that He isn't with me through my struggles.  I just know that He is choosing to be silent right now, no matter how much the enemy tries to make me doubt my relationship with Him.  Maybe none of the opportunities that are on the table is a part of His plan for my life, maybe something even better will come up tomorrow or the next day.  I just have to stay strong & wait for him.  His plan is far above anything I can imagine.  

So in ending this post, I ask for prayers for a job & for strength to simply wait for the Lord & his plan.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Goodbye October, Hello November

Wow, can't believe it's already November.  This year has been a roller coaster with school and then finishing and getting certified & licensed as a FNP, and now trying to find a job.  It's been a horribly wonderful year.  I still can't believe I'm actually a NP.  It's something I've wanted for so long & I've actually achieved it!  I think it'll sink in more when I'm actually doing it everyday.  I'm really hoping for a job to come along soon!  I've put in several apps & sending prayers up constantly for the job that He has for me.  I know something will come along in His perfect timing, so I just have to wait.

Last night, my oldest sister brought her 3 kids over to our house to go trick or treating in our neighborhood, like they do every year.  We had a lot of fun & they got lots of candy, although I told my sister that her kids (the younger 2 since the oldest doesn't trick or treat anymore) were the worst trick or treaters ever!  They were so funny, they'd just be walking along, not paying attention to the houses that had lights on...we'd have to tell them every house to go to just about.  When I was little I didn't need ANY prodding!  I took my 6 year old Chi-a-Dach (or Chi-weenie) with us. He was dressed as a jack-o-lantern.  He absolutely hates his costume, but he looked so adorable & got so many compliments.  He did much better with the crowds than I expected him to...he typically doesn't do well with strangers, but I guess it was different since the strangers weren't at "his" house.

Rebel in his costume...can you tell he isn't happy??

Rebel after trick-or-treating with the kids...he was wore out!