Sunday, September 25, 2011

Random facts

I am completely devoid of blogging topics at the moment, so I thought I'd just post some random facts about here goes!

1. There's a good reason this blog is called "Random Ramblings of Me"...I tend to be just a little random most of the time...but I like it!

2. I love to travel.  I really want to visit all 50 states at some point in my of right now, I've only been to 9 states, 11 if you count the ones that I've been in the airport.

3. I got my only paddling in school when I was in the 6th grade & got into a fist fight with this boy because he wouldn't leave my glasses alone & I told him that if he messed with them again, I would punch him...he did so I did...I was soo terrified of what my mama & daddy would say, but suprisingly I didn't get in too much trouble.

4. I tend to get very discouraged by all the people around me, especially high school classmates, getting married & having children, but I always remember that God has a greater plan for my life than I could ever imagine & that being a wife & mom fits in there somewhere, just not now.

5. Reading is one of my most favorite past times! My favorite authors are Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Weiner.  If you've never read any of their books, you should!

6. I completely lack any motivation to exercise, even though I know how important it is!  I want to get into shape, but I find myself unable to make myself get up & do something about it on most days.  

7.  I love football!  And this weekend was a great weekend!  A MS State win & a Giants win!  But sadly, a Colts loss.  Yep, I'm a fan of both Manning brothers.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I find myself longing for this place...I've only been there once & only for a week...but it holds a very special place in my heart.  Nicaragua is a very beautiful country full of beautiful, precious people.  
 We spent the week providing medical care, dental care, and sharing the love of Jesus with the people of a small Nicaraguan village of San Fransisco.  Before this trip I had never led anyone to salvation before, and I had that amazing opportunity while there.  It was an experience like no other.
 I can't wait to go back...hopefully I'll have the change to go back next September.  Until then I will continue to pray for the opportunity to go back & pray for the people whose lives we touched while we were there.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years

Ten years ago, I was a sophomore in high school. I had never heard of Osama Bin Laden, didn't have a clue what the Taliban was, and the idea that some people hate the Americans so much that they are willing to kill themselves just to attempt to destroy our nation was unfathomable. But on September 11, 2001 all that changed for me as well as the majority of the country. That morning, I was at school, in Honors English.  We turned on the TV and watched the events unfold. I remember hearing the phrase "terrorist attack" and being terrified...I had no idea exactly what that meant.  But I also remember the overwhelming unity of Americans and being proud to be an American.

Now, 10 years later, I know exactly who Osama Bin Laden & the Taliban are, and I know that they hate Americans & why. I know that this isn't over...& there are soldiers overseas everyday willing to sacrifice everything to protect us & our freedoms.  So I want to say what I don't say often enough...THANK YOU to military that served in the past, present, & future.  I'll never understand what y'all  (and your families) have to endure and what y'all give up to protect me & my freedoms.

Police officers and firemen work tirelessly to protect & serve right here at home.  They aren't recognized nearly enough for putting their lives on the line for us...and that day in 2001, their bravery shined as they fearlessly went into that building and did everything possible to ensure as many people survived as possible, even if it meant sacrificing their lives.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

God's timing.

A couple of months ago, a friend of my sister's said she'd talk to her cousin who is a pediatrician about me and a job.  Well, her cousin took my info & said she'd call me, so for a while I was all anxious about her calling me.  Then, I had kind of forgotten about it, and I got a call from her today!  We set up a meeting for Tuesday afternoon. It's not exactly an interview, but it could definitely lead to a job, so I'm super excited!!   I could use all the prayers  you want to send my way!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Here goes nothing...

Today, I talked to a recruiter for NPs & PAs and she is giving my name to a place in Decatur, IL for a possible job.  She's also gonna look around for some Peds jobs.  So, I've started the ball rolling on finding a job out of Mississippi.  So, we will see what happens.  I'm still looking in state for jobs, but I kind of think I may be able to find a better job out of MS right now.  I'm nervous about it, but I kind of feel the same way I felt when I was deciding about Nicaragua last year...and that turned out to be exactly where God wanted me to be.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Comfort zone...

The job hunt far NOTHING!  But it would help if I got certified.    But anyway, today I talked to a Nurse Practitioner recruiter and he said he had opportunities in New York state, Maine, & Minnesota for new grads.  While the thought of moving somewhere new & different sounds exciting...I'm WAY to chicken to actually do it.  It would be such an adventure, but it's so hard for me to get out there & get to know new people, so I'd be miserable.  I'm not brave enough to just move to some random place without knowing a soul.  I wish I was though.  That would be so much fun and so exciting.  Even to do it for just a couple of years.  I am truly a southern girl through & through so moving wouldn't be permanent...that is IF I ever got the courage to try it.

I am going to pray about it.  Sometimes God calls us to do things that aren't exactly in our comfort zone.  I used to think that I'd never go on a mission trip out of the country, but a year ago this week I went on my first trip to Nicaragua & I am already looking forward to the opportunity to go again with the same group in Sept. 2012.  I remember being nervous & a little freaked out , but now I see it as an opportunity to serve God as He calls me.  I pray that I can look at the possibility of moving off in the same light.