Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years

Ten years ago, I was a sophomore in high school. I had never heard of Osama Bin Laden, didn't have a clue what the Taliban was, and the idea that some people hate the Americans so much that they are willing to kill themselves just to attempt to destroy our nation was unfathomable. But on September 11, 2001 all that changed for me as well as the majority of the country. That morning, I was at school, in Honors English.  We turned on the TV and watched the events unfold. I remember hearing the phrase "terrorist attack" and being terrified...I had no idea exactly what that meant.  But I also remember the overwhelming unity of Americans and being proud to be an American.

Now, 10 years later, I know exactly who Osama Bin Laden & the Taliban are, and I know that they hate Americans & why. I know that this isn't over...& there are soldiers overseas everyday willing to sacrifice everything to protect us & our freedoms.  So I want to say what I don't say often enough...THANK YOU to military that served in the past, present, & future.  I'll never understand what y'all  (and your families) have to endure and what y'all give up to protect me & my freedoms.

Police officers and firemen work tirelessly to protect & serve right here at home.  They aren't recognized nearly enough for putting their lives on the line for us...and that day in 2001, their bravery shined as they fearlessly went into that building and did everything possible to ensure as many people survived as possible, even if it meant sacrificing their lives.