Monday, January 17, 2011


I'm thinking that God is telling me "No" to Nicaragua.  Since I got the email with the opportunity to go, I had been battling myself about what I'm supposed to do.  Yesterday morning at church I kind of felt like I should go down and be prayed over about it but I didn't go.  And then Sunday night, I felt like that again, so I went down and got our missions pastor to pray over me.  After that, I felt at peace.  I still didn't have an answer, but I felt peace. 

Ever since the opportunity came up I was thinking how much I wanted to go back and on the other hand I was thinking about how I didn't have the finances.  But the thing is, neither one of those had anything to do with what God wants me to do.  My mind was so clouded by all my thoughts, I couldn't find God's will.  It's like after our missions pastor prayed for me I had clarity.  All my thoughts and worries had been pushed away so I could hear God.  Then this morning I was praying about it and in the back of my head I heard "no".  Ever since then I kind of have been disappointed that I'm not going, but at the same time I feel happiness with the "No" decision.

I think God has plans for me to return to Nicaragua, and maybe even other places, to do medical missions but just not this year.  Right now I'm feeling pretty positive about going next year, and I'm excited to see what opportunities God brings my way & which ones He says "Yes" to.