Wednesday, February 1, 2012

7 years & I still cry

Seven years ago I was a freshman in college.  I had gotten done with classes for the day & was at home working on the computer when my phone rang.  I got news that I never expected to hear.  Kayla had died in a car wreck earlier in the day. I didn't believe him, I told him multiple times that he was lying & it was a joke.  I was in shock. I walked into the room my dad was in & just simply said "Daddy, Kayla was killed in a car wreck today." At this point I hadn't cried, I was in too much shock, I guess.  He just grabbed me and hugged me tight & the tears started falling.

Kayla was one of my best friends.  She had a smile & laugh that could brighten the day.  She was always there when I needed a shoulder, advice, or just wanted to act completely stupid & silly.  She was beautiful, smart, sweet.  She was like a sister to me.  We could talk about anything & everything. We had stupid inside jokes that still make me laugh when I think about them.  We both played the flute in band & sat right beside each other...and talked the entire time! We were always talking, we traded notes as often as we saw each other.  There was nothing we couldn't tell each other.  No matter what was going on, I was able to say anything without feeling like she would think bad of me or wouldn't agree or whatever.  She had a beautiful heart.

It's hard to believe seven years has passed since I last saw her smile, or heard her laugh.  It's hard to believe that seven years has passed since I've been able to pour my heart out to her, or to just listen to everything that was going on in her life.  Right after she died, I cried constantly, I didn't see how I'd ever be okay again.  And now I've realized that part of me will never be okay again.  Part of me will always miss her & ache to talk to her or see her.  But, on the other hand, it is okay for me to be happy and live my life, keeping her memory close at hand.  We always said that I'd become a doctor (pediatrician) and she'd be my nurse.  Now the time has come where I actually am a health care provider (nurse practitioner, not doctor) & I think about how it would be for her to be my nurse.    She would have been an amazing nurse.

For reasons I don't understand, God called her home at a young age.  He knew that she'd be greatly missed in this world, but her purpose was fulfilled.  I know she's in a better place, rejoicing in God's glory with her mom, but I still miss her more than words can say.  She made a great impact on my life as well as so many others.  No matter how many years go by, her memory will live on in my heart.