Monday, August 8, 2011


Have you ever felt unworthy to call on God in a time of need?  Like, why would he help me now??  That's kind of how I'm feeling now....I haven't been making time for my quiet time, I got lost in our chronological one year bible readings somewhere back in May, & haven't just sat and said a genuine prayer in I don't know how long and now here I am really desperate for Him to move in my life & give me peace about a stressful situation, and I feel like I don't deserve his grace or mercy right now. I almost feel as if I deserve this situation as a punishment for not being as faithful in my walk with him as I should be.  Thankfully, the God I serve doesn't give me what I deserve.  He doesn't give grace or mercy or peace only if we've been faithfully reading our Bible and praying everyday...He answers when we call out & forgives us when we fall away from running passionately after him. I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father that loves me unconditionally no matter how many times I screw up & fall away...He ALWAYS welcomes me back with open arms.  What's sad is how often we stray and have to fall back into his open arms...why do we always think we can do it better?  Why don't we just save ourselves a lot of heartache & stress and quit trying to hold on to everything & attempt to do it ourselves?  With all that being said, I am letting go & letting God.  And I'd greatly appreciate all prayers any of you would like to send my way!